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Is it Personalities or Personas?

My husband likes to joke about me having different personalities. He never knows what version of Sara will wake up in the morning. I joke and tell him it depends on who talks to me and how strong the coffee is.

It seems to be the normal for this type of joke with women. In some way there is truth to this "joke". As a woman who is raising a little woman, it's important for her to learn not just the place of a woman but also what it takes to be one.

Society has this standard of what a woman looks like, how she must act, behave, dress and speak. If she doesn't fit that mold she is looked down on, disregarded and disgraced. We're told no man wants a strong woman. Independence is for politics not a woman's character. (Insert eye roll here).

Growing up I learned to be strong, I learned how to be independent but still lean on others for help. I learned that words matter when they are spoken with intention. I learned that this world wouldn't be what it is without a woman's compassion, patience and caring nature.

But let's get back to this personality joke. The truth in this is women have to have different personalities. Or as I prefer to call them personas. Depending where we are, depending on who we are around our behavior, attitude and opinions change. At a place of business or work we act different then if we were out at the club with friends. At home we can let loose, dance around the kitchen and not be judged if our socks don't match. At home we can sit on the couch like a dude, but in public we have to keep our legs crossed. We play a part that matches the environment we are in. Yes we can get a little crazy, wild, stressed, dramatic but that all plays off the environment.

So if you are reading this and are a woman, just so you know, you're not crazy, you have a different persona for the different environments you are in. If you are a man and your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother or friend, seems like she has multiple personalities. They don't. They are a developing character and be greatful you play a part in their lives! Women are a gift. You my dear are a gift!


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My whole life I always felt like I had something to say, but no one to listen. Eventually I stopped talking. My name is Sara, and I am done being silenced. 

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